Private Equity

We help private equity investors and portfolio company CEOs
increase EBITDA, growth and multiples.


our clients

Our clients have included private equity firms and their portfolio companies based in the US, Europe and Middle East.

how we add value

We apply practical strategy and execution solutions across the deal sourcing, evaluation, hold and exit process.

OUR experience

Our private equity experience spans oil services, gas pipeline and water utility services, packaged foods and retail, healthcare providers, medical supplies and devices, industrial products, and other industries.


We contributed to a 10x private equity return on investment by revamping strategy and preparing a challenging portfolio company for exit, and helped enhance risk-adjusted returns with numerous strategy planning, investor messaging and buy and sell-side diligence activities. Please see "Examples" at bottom.


PORTFOLIO COMPANY – Strategy Advisory & Interim Executive Services Contributing to A 10x Return Exit

A PE firm retained us to prepare their portfolio company, an energy technology innovator that contributed to the shale revolution, with numerous challenges for exit via an IPO, trade or financial sale.  The CEO of the Denmark-based company subsequently retained us to come in house to prepare the company for investor diligence. 

We contributed to a 10x return exit within 16 months of arrival:

  • Earned the trust and confidence of both the private equity firm partner and CEO, served as translator, and at times nudged one or the other toward compromise
  • Refocused the business strategy, which involved evaluating 32 oil services sub-sectors for magnitude and timing of sensitivity to historic oil price cycles by geography around the world
  • Brought the PE firm partner and CEO to consensus around the strategy despite their bitter relationship
  • Developed the investment bank teaser, which centered around the strategy
  • Drove the strategy into the business by aligning all functions, including global account management, financial reporting, the annual report, investor communications, marketing and collateral, trade shows, advertising, website, etc.
  • Simultaneously created a sustainability strategy that revolved around water and local capacity building in developing countries
  • For each senior executive, prepared investor talking points and answers to anticipated diligence questions
  • Rehearsed every senior executive and conducted a full dress rehearsal prior to investment banker, legal, accounting, etc., kickoff
  • Wrote the annual report, including all notes to the financial statements, as required by Danish authorities for non-public companies
  • Wrote extensive draft S-1 verbiage on business, market, etc., for legal counsel.


We advised the board of an alternative energy data provider in need of a turnaround: 

  • Built strong rapport with the CEO, which increased his receptivity to board input
  • Advocated cash preservation ahead of an economic downturn when others favored continued international expansion
  • Interviewed CEO candidates and provided observations that proved astute in hindsight, such as sensing the lead candidate's impatience with multiple points of view, and dismissive tone and body language. 

PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM – Resident Strategy Advisory

Provided counsel to a multi-billion dollar mid-market private equity firm.  Over the course of a year, we helped transactors:

  • Focus limited bandwidth on the most promising deals in the pipeline
  • Develop investment theses
  • Streamline expensive diligence efforts
  • Broaden quarterly portfolio review and board perspectives
  • Sharpen investor messages and prepare portfolio companies for exit.  

PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM - Commercial & Customer Diligence

We participated in numerous diligence efforts that helped transactors make more informed pre and post LOI investment, and sell-side, decisions. 

We bring breadth of perspective across the energy sector and understanding of its complexities to all our work. See more We have particular expertise in risks and opportunities driven by the intersection of energy with policy, technology, …

We bring breadth of perspective across the energy sector and understanding of its complexities to all our work. See more 

We have particular expertise in risks and opportunities driven by the intersection of energy with policy, technology, geopolitics, environmental and social considerations around the worldSee more

Energy sector: 

  • For a PE firm evaluating a specialty high-temperature, high-pressure tubular thread protector manufacturer: 
    • diligence involved forecasting oil price recovery and drilling activity impact, and evaluating low end competitive threat.
  • For a PE firm owned frac sand capital equipment manufacturer: 
    • sell-side diligence involved projecting proppant market size and frac sand demand versus competitor capacity additions. 
  • For a PE firm owned mud pump manufacturer contemplating an aftermarket parts add on: 
    • diligence unpeeled nature of OEM and aftermarket counter cyclicality and threat from Chinese competitors.
  • For a PE firm owned flare combustor manufacturer: 
    • Voice of Customer diligence focused on EPA Quad 0 revenue impact.
  • For a mission-critical fastener manufacturer deciding if it should serve energy customers: 
    • Voice of Customer diligence assessed relative attractiveness of multiple niches including in power generation, refineries, risers, blowout protectors, pressure control equipment, frac pumps, etc.


  • For a PE firm evaluating a gas distribution pipeline integrity management services provider: 
    • diligence involved state-level market sizing, regulatory impact and competitive positioning in existing and potential expansion markets.
We bring millennial customer and employee expertise to all retail and consumer products work. See more We wrote the guidebook on how to methodically scale millennial employee engagement in large companies, particularly at retailers with te…

We bring millennial customer and employee expertise to all retail and consumer products work. See more 

We wrote the guidebook on how to methodically scale millennial employee engagement in large companies, particularly at retailers with tens of thousands of employees distributed across thousands of sites. See Engagement Roadmap™ 


Packaged foods & retail:

  • For a PE firm evaluating a packaged Mexican meat supplier: 
    • diligence evaluated millennial and mainstream crossover potential by geography across the U.S.
  • For a PE firm evaluating a packaged plant-based meat alternatives manufacturer: 
    • diligence focused on whether a sudden revenue increase was one off or enduring, and millenial and boomer crossover potential.
  • For a UK chocolate manufacturer evaluating potential acquisition candidates: 
    • study identified and evaluated potential European acquisition candidates. 
  • For a PE firm evaluating a manufacturer of retail equipment: 
    • diligence tested market penetration potential and receptivity of potential new customer segments.


  • For a PE firm evaluating a high end but small sport club chain: 
    • diligence focused on threat from national exercise and fitness chains.

Health & Medical:

  • For a PE firm evaluating an adolescent behavioral health facilities provider: 
    • diligence unpeeled why the company generated high EBITDA with purely Medicaid revenue, and margin sustainability, by state across the U.S. 
  • For a PE firm evaluating a manufacturer of rapid infection test kits: 
    • Voice of Customer diligence assessed potential to penetrate hospital and food safety markets.


  • For a PE firm evaluating a surgical disinfectants manufacturer: 
    • diligence focused on threat from alternative disinfectant methods and technologies.

Industrial products: 

  • For a PE firm evaluating agricultural equipment aftermarket parts manufacturer: 
    • diligence evaluated receptivity and competitive positioning at potential new customers.
  • For a newly acquired UK manufacturer of professional cleaning chemicals used in boilers, power plant and residential pipes: 
    • immediate post acquisition work involved European market-sizing and growth potential.

Municipal services:

  • For a PE firm evaluating a sewer inspection provider: 
    • diligence focused on market-sizing; EPA, state and municipal regulatory impact, incumbent advantage and competitive positioning in existing and potential expansion states.


  • For a PE firm evaluating a specialist municipal tax and collections services and software provider: 
    • Voice of Customer diligence evaluated a potential competitive threat in home market and expansion potential in new states.